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THURSDAY, 23 May 2024

1:00 PM–2:45 PM Registration

Arrival and registration of participants in the cultural-artistic colonies.

The registration location will be at the EYE Brežice info point in the lobby of Institute for Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Youth Brežice.

3:00 PM–4:00 PM Introduction to ‘Culturecracy’

location: multipurpose hall at Institute for Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Youth Brežice; language: Slovene, English
Getting to know the participants and mentors of cultural artistic colonies with presentations of topics for expression and creativity.

4:00 PM–6:00 PM Culturecracy

locations: Institute for Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Youth Brežice: classroom 3 – graffiti colony, gymnasium – IMPRO theatre colony and nearby locations: Intergenerational centre Brežice (Večgeneracijski center Brežice): room 13 – photo colony, Faculty of Tourism Brežice (Fakulteta za turizem Brežice): classroom in the lobby – film colony, Slomšek’s house Brežice (Slomškov dom Brežice): classroom 1 – art colony, classroom 2 – colony of the theatre of the oppressed
Start of the creative process as part of cultural artistic colonies guided by professional mentors.

7:30 PM–11:00 PM Chill out Zone of Culturecracy

location: multipurpose hall at Institute for Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Youth Brežice
Relaxed mingling of participants of cultural artistic colonies and getting to know each other. There will also be infotainment points about the opportunities of the Erasmus+ programme: Youth and European Solidarity Corps and Eurodesk.

FRIDAY, 24 May 2024

8:00 AM–9:45 AM Registration

Arrival and registration of participants and guests.

The registration location will be at the EYE Brežice info point in the lobby of Institute for Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Youth Brežice.

10:00 AM–11:00 AM Grand Opening of EYE Brežice

location: multipurpose hall at Institute for Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Youth Brežice; language: Slovene, English
Opening ceremony with all participants of EYE Brežice, featuring a non-formal conversation with VIP guests, hosted by Slovenian artist and stand-up comedian VID VALIČ.

Speakers at the Ceremony:

  • Ivan Molan, Mayor of the Municipality of Brežice,
  • Dr. Darjo Felda, Minister of Education,
  • Sofia Alves, Director of DG REGIO (Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy),
  • Members of the European Parliament: Irena Joveva, Ljudmila Novak, Matjaž Nemec,
  • Andrej Miholič, Information Office of the European Parliament in Slovenia,
  • Mag. Maja Hostnik, Director of the Youth Network MaMa.

The ceremony will also be streamed live.

11:15 AM–12:30 PM Culturecracy/Youth-to-Youth

Simultaneous running of cultural artistic colonies and the Youth-to-Youth activity section, which will feature a thematic track (part 1) of interactive activities related to the following topics: democracy, active participation, rights and security. Workshops that will be running simultaneously:

Living Library with Slovenian MEPs

location: conference room at Institute for Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Youth Brežice; language: Slovene, English
Inform yourself in a relaxed manner about what the role of a European Member of Parliament actually entails. What does a typical day look like, how are decisions made in the European Parliament that also affect your life? All this and more, LIVE.

“TED Talks” with Slovenian social media influencers: Teja Jugovic, Aljoša Bagola, Klara Eva Kukovičič, Ana Mačič Kotnik

location: multipurpose hall at Institute for Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Youth Brežice; language: Slovene, English, (also streamed live)
Social media has launched influencers also in Slovenia. Listen to what they have to say. Live!

(Un)written rules of society

location: Institute for Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Youth Brežice, classroom 1; language: Slovene, English
This activity will involve an interactive social game through which you will raise awareness about the influence social norms have on the individual, develop your understanding of different perspectives and norms in everyday life and challenge your skills in adapting and integrating yourself and others into society. You will develop social skills, critical thinking, teamwork skills, adaptability and problem-solving abilities. Guess what! All this will be done through a very simple dice rolling game. 🎲 During the game, in which you will be part of a smaller group, the rules will change, meaning you will frequently find yourself in a world of new rules. If you are interested in finding out how, this activity is for you.

How to start a podcast?

location: Institute for Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Youth Brežice, classroom 2; language: Slovene, English
Are you interested in starting a podcast or a videocast but don’t know where or how to begin? Title, script, your audience, promotion, distribution – what are all these? Join this workshop and find out! We will dive into the world of podcasting together, step by step. First, we’ll explain what a podcast is and what its purpose is. Then we’ll prepare a draft for your first episode. With the gained knowledge you’ll be able to share your voice with the world right away. And your voice matters, so use it. 💪 Laughter, support and teamwork guaranteed!

My ideal EYE event is …

location: Town Hall of Brežice (Mestna hiša), lecture hall on the 1st floor; language: English
Wondering what EYE is all about? Interested in shaping a large-scale youth event about Europe?  Take part in a session designed to unleash your creativity to shape an event that you and your friends would love to go to. Together, let’s create a unique EYE event experience!

Walk of Good Ideas for the Future of the EU

location: lobby or the park beside the Institute for Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Youth Brežice
Throughout EYE Brežice you can think about and share your ideas about the future of Europe at any time, browse for inspiration on and more.

2:00 PM–3:30 PM Culturecracy/Youth-to-Youth

Simultaneous running of cultural artistic colonies and the Youth-to-Youth activity section, which will feature a thematic track (part 2) of interactive activities related to the following topics: democracy, active participation, rights and security. Workshops that will be running simultaneously:

TikTok&Reels workshop “Use Your Voice

location: Institute for Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Youth Brežice, classroom 1; language: Slovene, English
Are you interested in the world of TikTok and how this platform is changing digital communication? Join the workshop and learn how to create content that engages, excites and stands out on TikTok. The workshop’s theme will be a ‘mission impossible’ – how to create the content for the video that encourages young people to participate in the European elections 2024. Accept the challenge!
The workshop will be led by Kristjan Veber – pedagogue and writer who cocreates content for the TikTok profile of the Celje Youth Centre, the Municipality of Celje and the International School for Social and Business Studies.

interactive discussion “Is there a light at the end of the tunnel of the culture of non-active youth participation?

location: multipurpose hall at Institute for Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Youth Brežice; language: Slovene, English, (it will also be streamed live)
“Active participation? Nah, not interested,” is often heard among young people. Let’s discuss where the reasons for this lie and whether we can somehow encourage greater interest among young people in co-creating the future.

Blue eyes/Brown eyes experiment

location: conference room at Institute for Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Youth Brežice; language: Slovene, English
The centre of this activity will be a social experiment developed by Jane Elliott, a prominent anti-racism activist in the USA during the 1960s. Prior to this we will discuss equality and discrimination, sharing possible real-life experiences or cases of discrimination we witnessed. Within the experiment the participants will be divided in two groups, following the moderator’s instructions. We won’t reveal the details of the experiment at this point, as it’s a “spoiler alert”, 😊, but you can always “google it”, if you want. Immediately after the experiment we will reflect and discuss gained feelings and experience, connecting them with potential real-life experiences. From there we will slide into a discussion about the principles of democracy, the importance of equality and the role of the European Union (EU) in combating discrimination. We will also brainstorm ideas on how to address discrimination and promote equality in our communities or in the EU in general.

To debate or not to debate? That is not a question!

location: Institute for Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Youth Brežice, classroom 2; language: Slovene, English
Do you enjoy ‘arguing’ and would you sometimes like to win an argument as well? In the debate workshop, we will address topics of in-depth argumentation that will help you persuade different profiles, for example your parents to extend your night out stay by an hour, teachers to postpone a test or decision-makers to change something in cooperation with you at the local, national, European or global level. We will examine what makes an argument convincing and how to improve public speaking skills with simple tricks, so that adults will not only listen to us, but also truly hear us.

EU grows!

location: Town Hall of Brežice (Mestna hiša), lecture hall on the 1st floor; language: English
Did you ever wonder how a country can join the European Union? Do you know how the “EU enlargement process” is set?
Meet the Young European Ambassadors at the interactive workshop to learn more about it and explore the journeys of Moldova, Georgia, Ukraine and other countries towards EU accession. During this interactive session, you will understand the steps for EU accession and the challenges, complexities and prospects of countries that are currently candidates to join the EU.

Walk of Good Ideas for the Future of the EU

location: lobby or the park beside the Institute for Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Youth Brežice
Throughout EYE Brežice you can think about and share your ideas about the future of Europe at any time, browse for inspiration on and more.

4:00 PM–5:30 PM Culturecracy/Youth-to-Youth

Simultaneous running of cultural artistic colonies and the Youth-to-Youth activity section, which will feature a thematic track of interactive activities related to the following topics: environment, sustainability and the world. Workshops that will be running simultaneously:

workshop “Marketing as a Tool for Social Change”

Chamber of Crafts Brežice (Dom obrtnikov Brežice), conference room; language: Slovene, English
To understand marketing, we must understand communication. To achieve social change, we must communicate. So how do we communicate if we want to change something? What do we need to think about, how to plan and where should we start anyway? In the workshop we will start with the base of communication, then move to concrete examples of good practices and reach up all the way to the development of your own idea for social change. The workshop will be a ‘learning by doing’ experience, led by Tadeja Bučar Atkins from Creative Nomads – a communication specialist, brand ideation expert and a fresh rapper. She is also the editor of the Radio Eter podcast platform, which is exclusively for young people.

Simulating climate diplomacy

location: Institute for Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Youth Brežice, classroom 1; language: English
Young people may face challenges in participating in global forums on climate change primarily due to lack of knowledge about the topic and the procedures for addressing it. This activity aims to empower participants through a simulation of a UNFCCC conference session. It will also offer a fun, interactive insight into international processes related to climate change, which take place at United Nations Climate Change conferences. The participants will take the role of delegates representing a country (or the European Union) and engage in a democratic process of shaping climate policies, based on a received draft of a specific decision to negotiate and discuss. 🌱 By participating in this activity you will gain knowledge about climate change and become aware of the principle of acting local and thinking global.

Canvas of participation

location: Institute for Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Youth Brežice, classroom 2; language: Slovene, English
Is it possible to express opinions and views on active participation and European democracy through art? Absolutely! 💪 In this activity we will create an XXXXL flag representing a mosaic of different viewpoints, interpretations and ideas about European values and democracy. You will share your perspective on the significance of European elections, the European Parliament, democracy, active participation or related themes on a piece of fabric measuring 50 x 70 cm. You will be able to express yourself through painting, drawing or other artistic technique. All individual creations will then be combined and sewn together into a large flag, which will be displayed in the area of the Youth Center Brežice, where the EYE Brežice event will take place.

Gamified simulation of voting in the EU electionsCANCELLED DUE TO ILLNESS,

for your replacement activity check at the info point EYE Brežice.

Fake news in the era of AI

location: Town Hall of Brežice (Mestna hiša), lecture hall on the 1st floor; language: Slovene, English
The aim of this workshop is to empower young people with knowledge on how to combat disinformation and fake news in the era of artificial intelligence (AI) and to present tools for their detection. 💪 During the workshop you will learn how fake news is created, how to recognize it and which tools you can use to detect and prevent the spread of misinformation. Divided in groups you will be given several fake and real news articles to assess, using fact-checking tools and tools to report misinformation and fake news. The conclusion will be a collective discussion.

 Speaker’s Corner

location: in case of good weather at the outside atrium of Institute for Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Youth Brežice, otherwise the conference room at Institute for Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Youth Brežice; language: Slovene, English
Speak about the challenges and potentials you see in Europe. Do it inspiring, inclusive, realistic and brave, with the thought that EYE Brežice is not a protest but a constructive exchange of young people’s views.

Walk of Good Ideas for the Future of the EU

location: lobby or the park beside the Institute for Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Youth Brežice
Throughout EYE Brežice you can think about and share your ideas about the future of Europe at any time, browse for inspiration on and more.

8:00 PM–00:00 AM Party Zone I.

location: multipurpose hall at Institute for Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Youth Brežice; language: music!; admission fee: free
Concerts of fantastic Slovenian musicians DRILL and VAZZ, with the addition of infotainment points to get information about opportunities of the Erasmus+ programme: Youth and European Solidarity Corps, Eurodesk and DrogArt’s team stand for safe partying.

SATURDAY, 25 May 2024

8:30 AM–10:00 AM Registration

The registration location will be at the EYE Brežice info point in the lobby of Institute for Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Youth Brežice.

9:00 AM/10:15 AM–11:30 AM Culturecracy/Youth-to-Youth

Final preparations for productions of cultural artistic colonies (starting at 9:00 AM). The Youth-to-Youth section (starting at 10:15 AM) will be conducted in the spirit of the thematic track of interactive activities related to the following topics: society, work, social inclusion, migrations, innovation, education, economy, digitalization and health. Workshops that will be running simultaneously:

World Café with MEPs

location: conference room at Institute for Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Youth Brežice; language: Slovene, English
From January to May 2024 many young people across Slovenia used their voice and shared their ideas about the future of Europe and the challenges they face. In a relaxed atmosphere we will review and comment on them with current Slovenian Members of the European Parliament.

“TED Talks” with Slovenian social media influencers: Sara Isaković, David Zupančič, Sara Štiglic, Klara Kralj

location: multipurpose hall at Institute for Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Youth Brežice; language: Slovene, English, (also streamed live)
Social media has launched influencers also in Slovenia. Listen to what they have to say. Live!

Crafting Bee’s wrap (Čeberol’ca)

location: Institute for Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Youth Brežice, classroom 1; language: Slovene, English
Bee’s wrap? What’s that? 🐝 In short: a natural alternative to aluminium foil, plastic wraps and packaging. It’s made from organic cotton coated with a mixture of organic beeswax, linseed oil and hand-collected spruce resin. It’s used for covering and wrapping all types of food, lunches to go and leftovers. Food in it stays fresh, the wrap is washable and can hold up to two years of usage. In this workshop you will have the opportunity to create your own and contribute to environmental sustainability.

Collage “The world I want to live in”

location: Institute for Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Youth Brežice, classroom 2; language: Slovene, English
This workshop will encourage you to reflect on the society and world in which you live and the future you want to co-create. The channel of expression will be art, which supports self-exploration, insights into the subconsciousness, creativity and establishes a bridge between culture and health. 👍 You will use collage techniques to present the world you want to live in. The workshop will conclude with a collective reflection and exhibition of works in the space where it will take place.

Green passport

location: Chamber of Crafts Brežice (Dom obrtnikov Brežice), conference room; language: Slovene, English
Do you want to learn about the significant impact of non-eco-friendly travel on the environment and discover how to make your future travels more environmentally friendly? If your answer is “yes”, “I don’t know”, “maybe” or “no”, keep reading. 😊 Through interactive methods of non-formal education (which prioritize the experiences, knowledge and needs of each participant) such as “Two lies and one truth”, “Map your destinations”, association game on eco-travel topics, “Traveling through my carbon footprint” and other, together with other participants you will be able to reflect on your own choices regarding travel and its planning. Within the activity “Eco travel planning” you will then in different groups plan a hypothetical eco-friendly trip and discuss how you and we all together in the European Union can step by step achieve a higher level of sustainable mobility.

Role models: Reel for a good feel

location: Town Hall of Brežice (Mestna hiša), lecture hall on the 1st floor; language: Slovene, English
This workshop encourages young participants from schools, youth organisations and other local youth structures to reflect which competences are important to them and inform them at which non-formal education spaces they can acquire and strengthen these competences.
You will learn through exciting examples about the Erasmus+: Youth and European Solidarity Corps programmes and receive information on how to get actively involved in the programmes.

Walk of Good Ideas for the Future of the EU

location: lobby or the park beside the Institute for Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Youth Brežice
Throughout EYE Brežice you can think about and share your ideas about the future of Europe at any time, browse for inspiration on and more.

12:00 PM–4:00 PM Culturecracy/Youth-to-Youth

Presentations of cultural artistic colonies’ productions (part 1 from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM and part 2 from 2:30 PM to 4:00 PM) and a fair “Opportunities for Youth” organised by young people, youth organisations, European Parliament Liaison Office in Slovenia and the YOU team. Viewing of productions will also be possible via live stream.

location: multipurpose hall and lobby (or the atrium outside regarding the fair location) of Institute for Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Youth Brežice; language: Slovene, English

In parallel (starting at 11.45 AM, at Town Hall of Brežice (Mestna hiša), lecture hall on the 1st floor) a Consultation of national youth organisations, organised by the National Youth Council of Slovenia will be held; language: Slovene

4:30 PM–5:30 PM Closing Ceremony of EYE Brežice

location: multipurpose hall at Institute for Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Youth Brežice; language: Slovene, English
The closing ceremony with all EYE Brežice participants, opening of the exhibition of artwork produced within artistic colonies. The event will be enlivened by a short performance from the improvisational theatre Impro liga. Speakers:

  • Minister of Labour, Family, Social Affairs, and Equal Opportunities Luka Mesec,
  • Candidate for future European Commissioner Tomaž Vesel,
  • Director of the National Electoral Commission Igor Zorčič (TBC).

The closing ceremony will be moderated by Eva Jus and Martin Lenarčič.

The ceremony will be streamed live.

9:00 PM–0:00 AM Party Zone II.

location: multipurpose hall at Institute for Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Youth Brežice; language: music!; admission fee: free
Concerts by the fabulous Slovenian musicians LEOPOLD I. and KOALA VOICE, with the addition of infotainment points to get information about opportunities of the Erasmus+ programme: Youth and European Solidarity Corps, Eurodesk and DrogArt’s team stand for safe partying.

SUNDAY, 26 May 2024

9:30 AM–12:00 PM EPic Treasure Hunt

location: gathering and departure from in front of Institute for Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Youth Brežice
A refreshing hike to Šentvid nad Čatežem guided by the Actionbound app.