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    Ime in priimek:


    Datum rojstva (aktivnosti so primarno namenjene mladim med 15. in 30. letom starosti):

    Telefonska številka:


    Država bivanja:

    Vrsta osebnega dokumenta:

    Številka osebnega dokumenta:

    Naziv društva ali organizacije:

    Moja motivacija za udeležbo na EYE Brežice je (do 1500 znakov s presledki; v primeru, da bo prijav več, kot je razpoložljivih mest, bo to kriterij za izbor):

    Aktivnosti EYE Brežice se bom udeležil_a (izberi eno možnost iz spustnega seznama):

    PAZI ZDAJ! Za vsak dan in časovni termin v nadaljevanju v spustnem seznamu izberi, katere od aktivnosti, ki bodo na EYE Brežice potekale vzporedno, se želiš udeležiti. Ker je v vsaki aktivnosti omejeno število mest, te prosimo, da za vsak dan in časovni termin izraziš tudi svojo drugo željo glede udeležbe na aktivnosti. Gre za to, da te lahko za primer, če tvoja prva izbira ne bi šla skozi, umestimo v drugo. Če se slučajno zgodi, da tudi druga želja ne bo šla skozi, boš razporejen_a v eno od aktivnosti s prostimi mesti.
    Vse aktivnosti so opisane v programu – tukaj.

    Moja PRVA izbira za petek, 24. 5., od 11.15 do 12.30 ure je:

    Moja DRUGA izbira za petek, 24. 5., od 11.15 do 12.30 ure je:

    Moja PRVA izbira za petek, 24. 5., od 14. do 15.30 ure je:

    Moja DRUGA izbira za petek, 24. 5., od 14. do 15.30 ure je:

    Moja PRVA izbira za petek, 24. 5., od 16. do 17.30 ure je:

    Moja DRUGA izbira za petek, 24. 5., od 16. do 17.30 ure je:

    Moja PRVA izbira za soboto, 25. 5., od 10.15 do 11.30 ure je:

    Moja DRUGA izbira za soboto, 25. 5., od 10.15 do 11.30 ure je:

    V soboto, 25. 5., se bom ob 11.45 uri udeležil_a Posveta nacionalnih mladinskih organizacij v organizaciji Mladinskega sveta Slovenije.

    V nedeljo, 26. 5., se bom ob 9.30 uri udeležil_a pohoda na Šentvid nad Čatežem.

    V primeru, če bo aktivnost potekala v angleškem jeziku, lahko brez ovir sledim.

    Potrebuješ tolmačenje v slovenski znakovni jezik?

    Osrednje aktivnosti na EYE Brežice potekajo od petka, 24. maja, do vključno nedelje, 26. maja. Tvoja prisotnost v prijavljenih dnevih je za zagotovitev kakovosti izvedbe aktivnosti obvezna.
    Če nisi doma v Brežicah ali bližnji okolici, ti bomo v celoti pokrili_e stroške nočitev z zajtrkom. Stroški poti v Brežice in vrnitve domov so v celoti v tvoji domeni. Nastanitve bodo na voljo v Hotelu Čatež v dvoposteljnih sobah. Izberi, če potrebuješ nočitev in za katere dni:

    V primeru nočitve ti lahko zagotovimo zajtrk. Označi, če ga želiš:

    Tekom udeležbe na EYE Brežice ti lahko ne glede na to, če boš koristil_a nočitve ali ne, od petka, 24. maja, do vključno sobote, 25. maja, zagotovimo večerjo. Označi, koliko večerij boš koristil_a:

    Če imaš, kakšne posebne prehranske potrebe, jih navedi tukaj:

    Nam želiš glede svoje udeležbe na aktivnosti sporočiti še kaj?

    Z oddajo te prijave potrjujem, da:


      Name and surname:


      Date of birth (the activities are primarily intended for young people between 15 and 30 years old):

      Mobile telephone number:


      Country of residence:

      Type of personal ID document:

      Number of personal ID document:

      Name of the Association or Organisation:

      My motivation for participating at EYE Brežice is (up to 1500 characters with spaces; in case of more applications than available spots, this will be the selection criterion):

      I am applying to attend EYE Brežice (choose one option from the drop-down menu):

      ATTENTION! Further on, please, select in the dropdown menu for each day and time slot, which of the activities running simultaneously at EYE Brežice you would like to attend. As there is a limited number of available placements in each activity, please also express your second choice for participation for each day and time slot. This is for the case that, if your first choice can’t be granted, we can consider your second choice. If it happens that your second choice also doesn't go through, you will be assigned to one of the activities with available places.
      All activities are described in the programme - here.

      My FIRST choice for Friday, 24 May, from 11:15 AM until 12:30 PM is:

      My SECOND choice for Friday, 24 May, from 11:15 AM until 12:30 PM is:

      My FIRST choice for Friday, 24 May, from 2 PM until 3:30 PM is:

      My SECOND choice for Friday, 24 May, from 2 PM until 3:30 PM is:

      My FIRST choice for Friday, 24 May, from 4 PM until 5:30 PM is:

      My SECOND choice for Friday, 24 May, from 4 PM until 5:30 PM is:

      My FIRST choice for Saturday, 25 May, from 10:15 AM until 11:30 AM 0 is:

      My SECOND choice for Saturday, 25 May, from 10:15 AM until 11:30 AM is:

      On Saturday, 25 May, at 11.45 AM, I will attend the Consultation of Slovenian National Youth Organisations organized by the National Youth Council of Slovenia.

      On Sunday, May 26th, at 9:30 AM, I will participate in the hike to Šentvid above Čatež.

      The spoken language of EYE Brežice will be Slovene, at some activities professional translation to English will be offered, but some might be in Slovene with offered explanation in English. Will you be able to follow the activities regarding that?

      Do you require interpretation into sign language?

      The central activities at EYE Brežice take place from Friday, 24 May, until Sunday, 26 May. Your presence on the registered days is mandatory to ensure the quality of activity implementation. If you are not from Slovenia, we will fully cover your accommodation costs including breakfast. Accommodation will be provided at the Hotel Čatež in double rooms. Due to limited budget we can’t cover your travel costs to Brežice and return home, so those are fully your matter. Please indicate, if you require accommodation and for how many days:

      In case of accommodation, breakfast will be provided. Please indicate, if you would like it:

      Throughout your participation at EYE Brežice dinners will be provided from Friday, 24 May, until Saturday, 25 May. Please indicate how many dinners you will be taking:

      If you have any special dietary requirements, please specify them here:

      Is there anything else you would like to add regarding your participation at EYE Brežice?

      By submitting this application, I confirm that: